The Bible League Philippines
The Bible League Philippines provides Bibles and Christian printed materials like Bible study books, evangelism resources, tracts and more. They partner with churches and mission
organizations, supplying them with Bibles and related materials, and helps in training local church members for church planting.
Child Evangelism Fellowship Philippines
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Philippines is part CEF International. It is a Bible-centered devoted to the evangelization and discipleship of children in the Philippines. They produce and
distribute Bible study materials, Sunday School lessons, and other resources for the children. This ministry specializes in helping people to share the gospel with children.They have resources
and training to help people to share the gospel with children.
CrossTalk Tagalog
VOICE Philippines uses EvanTell's CrossTalk (printed in the Tagalog language) is their tool of choice for sharing the gospel in public schools in the Philippines. The CrossTalk tract is a fun
and new way to share the gospel to young people. It uses kid-friendly language, colorful cartoon graphics, and die-cut pattern that unfolds to the shape of a cross.
Filipino Street Preaching Tips, Advice and Articles
Filipino Street Preacher
This website offers Tagalog tracts you can distribute in the church or to your friends. You can also read articles on street preaching in the Philippines.
Gospel Outreach Philippines
The ministry of Gospel Outreach Philippines is to help Christians to reach the lost with the Gospel message. They produce a wide range of evangelism resources and offer training in how to use
them. Among these resources are the GO gospel tracts and the GO one-on-one evangelism tools.
The Navigators Philippines
The Navigators Philippines is part of Navigators International. They are a Christian organization committed to helping people deepen their relationship with God. They invest time with people
to study the Word, to deepen prayer life, and to commit Scripture to memory and live it. Evangelism and discipleship marks their ministries. Their various programs are designed and improved
constantly to reach individuals and groups in different parts of the Philippine population.
No Frontiers
Ikaw Ay Mahalaga
Translated as You Are Important, you can order this evangelistic booklet at No Frontiers.
OMF Philippines
OMF Philippines works in partnership with Christian churches, organizations and fellowship groups in the Philippines to establish and equip followers of Christ into having a stronger and
meaningful relationship with Him. They have six ministries in the Philippines: serving the urban and rural poor communities, reaching out to Muslim peoples, serving the children of
missionaries based in the Philippines, training and equipping Christians for mission and evangelism, serving the indigenous groups in the Philippines, and serving and caring for the OMF
missionaries in the Philippines.
Power to Change
Narinig Mo Na Ba Ang Apat Na Tuntuning Espirituwal?
This bilingual Tagalog and English edition of the Four Spiritual Laws presents a clear explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This booklet helps you open conversations easily and naturally
and share your faith with confidence.
Resources for Evangelism
You can find Tagalog evangelism resources on this website.
Share Jesus Without Fear
Ibahagi si Jesus Nang Walang Takot
By William Fay and Ralph Hodge
Ibahagi si Jesus Nang Walang Takot (Share Jesus Without Fear) will equip leaders to train persons to share their faith in Jesus with confidence and without fear. This easy-to-use, relational
approach to witnessing teaches people that they cannot fall in sharing their faith if they depend on the power of God for the results. Participant discover ways to guide a witnessing
conversion without fear of failure or rejection.
Filipino Christian Resources
If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact