Asia Baptist Bible College
The Asia Baptist Bible College trains Christians for the work of the Lord. The courses they offer are the following: Certificate of Practical Church Ministries, Music Specialization
Certificate, Graduate of Theology, Graduate of Christian Education, Bachelor of Arts in Theology, and Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education.
Asian Theological Seminary
The Asian Theological Seminary provide biblical, theological, and ministerial foundations for ministry. Their holistic programs see to the formation of students personally, professionally and
spiritually with the emphasis on praxis, which helps students to integrate theory and practice. Their regular programs are ladderized, which give students the option of beginning with the
Graduate Diploma and eventually building up to the Master's programs.
Baptist Bible College Asia
The Baptist Bible College Asia provides holistic education in biblical studies, church leadership and missions. They use innovative ideas, sound Baptist doctrine, effective methods of
leadership and other training tools. The goal of Baptist Bible College Asia is to develop servant leaders through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Bible Baptist College Cebu
Bible Baptist College Cebu prepares Christian servant leaders into full-time or part-time ministry work. They use three levels of preparation: mastery of soul-winning, mastery of self through
disciple, and mastery of commitment to God.
Baptist Bible Seminary & Institute
The Baptist Bible Seminary & Institute is composed of dedicated Filipino and American educators and Christian workers. Their mission is to equip God-called students to evangelize the lost
world and to edify the saints in the local Christian churches. They offer courses like Bachelor of Theology for men, Bachelor of Religious Education for both men and women, and a one-year
basic Bible course for those intending to gain biblical and theological foundation.
Baptist Theological College
The Baptist Theological College provides theological education for Christian leaders and workers. The BTC is currently offering Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Bachelor of Arts in Religious
Baptist Voice Bible College
The Baptist Voice Bible College provides biblically sound learning opportunities to transform individuals in to the image and likeness of Christ. The BVBC is located in Lucena City, Batangas,
Philippines. They offer theological courses, as well as other basic academic programs.
Biblical Seminary of the Philippines
The Biblical Seminary of the Philippines assists local churches, parachurch organizations and church-founded Christian day-schools by training men and women called by God to be leaders and
workers in pastorates, missions and educational settings. BSOP provides professional and wholistic Christian training that develops students in the areas of spiritual growth, biblical
knowledge and ministerial skill. They help Christian students develop their God-given talents and gifts for works of service in God's church and in the world.
Fellowship Baptist College
The Fellowship Baptist College in Negros Occidental, Philippines, offers elementary and high school education, bachelor courses and other short-term academic programs. The aim of the school is
not only to provide quality education but also to transform lives by touching the heart, educating the mind, and nourishing the soul in process.
Iloilo Baptist College
This is probably a very good Christian college. It is associated with Iloilo Baptist Church. It is a conservative college.
Independent Baptist College of Asia-Pacific
The Independent Baptist College of Asia-Pacific is traditional in theology and practice. It is local church centered, local church supported, and local church planted. IBCAP is led by Filipino
Baptist pastors and its goal is to prepare student pastors as missionary-evangelists by equipping them with a solid Biblical foundation and by providing them with practical training in
personal soul winning, discipleship, evangelism, church government and foreign missions.
Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary
The Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary trains God-called and church-affirmed men and women for Christian ministry.
Pines City Baptist Bible College
Southern Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary
The Southern Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary trains, equips and develops spiritually, academically and socially God-called men and women to recognize and use their God-given gifts and
Filipino Christian Resources
If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact